Pain Clinic Of India celebrates dignified living for elderly on World elderly day
Elderly population is increasing everywhere. This is due to advancing science and innovation of various inventions to tackle aging. Advance age is coming with increasing suffering. Whether we like it or not this is true. Aging diseases needs attention in today's world.
Chronic Pain is one of the very common symptom of elderly population. Its very debilitating and annoying. Pain takes away the fun of living longer. Most disease in elderly like arthritis (Knee, Shoulder, Elbow etc), cancer, degenerative spine problems, fractures, osteoporosis, and so on presents as pain.
Managing pain is not only psychologically draining but also have financial implications. This is specially very important as this group usually is retired. Getting money for this noble cause of pain relief is tough.

We understand this well at Pain Clinic Of India and on this elderly day we commit ourselves to serve these elderly people, helping them using our skills, helping needy elderly patients financially for pain relief treatments. Patients who are not affording will also be helped in best of our ability. We pray to almighty that every one of our elder population is taken care by our society. We are trying our bit by doing what we do the best.
Happy world elderly day!!!!
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