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Everyone suffers from back pain at some point of their life. Many suffer from chronic back pain. Dr Kailash Kothari and all pain specialist doctors at Pain clinic of India are forefront of creating awareness about prevention and non surgical treatment of back pain. We welcome Organisations, societies and various clubs to organise such awareness meets for their members. Our team will come and conduct awareness lecture, free screening/checkups and will provide help for needy patients.We believe in creating a healthy and fit society. 

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Knee pain is very common and sometimes it makes patient bedridden or doesn't allow him to do his job. Most knee pains are preventable, most knee pains are treatable. in many patients with severe pain we can help them by pain management techniques. Very few patients need knee replacement.

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Cancer Pain Factoids - Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, MD

Cancer is very traumatic to the patient and its relatives. If patient develops pain symptoms, it further adds to misery. If this is not sufficient, it is further worsened by some misconceptions. The whole idea for this post is to clear some of the myths we have about cancer pain.

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Today saw a 78/m coming to my clinic with inablity to walk and h/0 of slipping chappal from rt foot since 2 days ,he has back pain also. He c/0 difficulty in buttoning his shirt with right hand since morning and slightly altered speech.

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dear friends presenting a unique case .we had a 55yr /F admitted with pain on walking associated with perineal numbness on walking for 5-10 min,relieved at rest.she had h/o slipping of chappal from left foot since a yr.typically complaints that whenever she micturates she automatically defeacates since last 1 year but increased in severity and frequency since last 2 month at time of admission her frequency was  15-16/day.

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