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Cancer Pain Facts

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Cancer Pain Factoids - Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, MD

Cancer is very traumatic to the patient and its relatives. If patient develops pain symptoms, it further adds to misery. If this is not sufficient, it is further worsened by some misconceptions. The whole idea for this post is to clear some of the myths we have about cancer pain.

Pain is the protective phenomenon which helps in recognizing that something is wrong. It’s a system just as our digestive system to digest food. Pain is of paramount important if want to survive and protect ourselves. Feel warm and pain once you are in contact with heated objects or fire, this phenomenon protect us to be safe.

How do we control pain?

Our body has a unique system that can generate endogenous opioids or pain relieving factors which help us in controlling pain. For e.g. Sunil Gavaskar was having severe tooth ache on the day of test match between India and West Indies. Without taking pain killers he went on to score a century in that innings. Our brain can ignore pain when we have some other important thing at hand. Commonest example is our soldier during war irrespective of their injury continues to battle. Common household scenario when our mom cooks roti she lnvariably gets burnt on hand but comes to know about it only after cooking is done. In the cases given above our body produces pain relieving factors which takes care of the pain till the time important work is done. The reverse process can also occur in our body where the incoming pain signal is facilitated or enhanced where even a small cut might lead to insurmountable pain. Usually happens when you are afraid and got hurt.

There in another mechanism occurs when this system fails to function normally. It lead to pain even on light touch or by things which are not supposed to cause pain for example a gentle tap. Here the pain mechanism goes haywire and causes lot of pain.

There are specialists available who are trained in dealing with such types of pain who are called as pain specialists. They help you to relieve your pain in variety of ways.

Cancer patients can have pain just like any other person not necessarily due to cancer itself. If cancer caused pain as a first symptom then it would be detected early but alas that is not the scenario in most of the cases.

They can have pain due to cancer if anyone of the following occurs:

  • Cancer cells invading the nerve tissue causing intense pain.
  • Cancer growth compressing the nerve in our spinal cord .
  • Cancer causing destruction of bone eventually fracture which causes pain.
  • Cancer treatment like radiotherapy and chemotherapy occasionally can lead to severe burning pain.
  • Cancer causes generalised weakness which can lead to muscle pain.

Not all patient with cancer have pain. It’s one in 3 patient with cancer have pain. of these patients having pain majority 50 to 80% can be management by means of opioid medication and other medication. Only a few people need more than one modality to get rid of their pain.

Taking opioid medication will lead to addiction:

Its true drug addiction is a real menace and a difficult problem. But in cancer patients we rarely see opioid addiction. The reason is drug addict take this drug for their psychological effects not for pain control so they become addict, whereas in cancer patients who take it for cancer pain relief.

The amount of drug taken in cancer patients might increase in some patients but this is because the demand for pain relief is more.

Finally to get adequate pain relief and optimisation of quality of life of patient we need to work as a team. A team of doctor, the patient and a relatives. We always in our first visit assign task to relative who will communicate with us the patients situation so that we arrive at an optimal pain control with improvement of quality of life.


  • Peter Smith Talking Cures Saturday, 02 April 2016

    Dear Dr Kalash
    Tried to post this on LinkedIn but system will not let me?
    I would care to question as to whether this removes the myths about Cancer and Pain or further contributes to the long and ever growing list.
    As it is a clear and unambiguous demonstration - thus a perfect example of Back to Front Medical Science thinking.
    Thus of no value in the understanding of the symptoms discussed.
    These extracts from the attached paper clearly demonstrate my point's?
    1. Pain is the protective phenomenon which helps in recognizing that something is wrong
    2. There are specialists available who are trained in dealing with such types of pain who are called as pain specialists. They help to relieve pain in variety of ways.
    3. Cancer patients can have pain just like any other person not necessarily due to cancer itself. If cancer caused pain as a first symptom then it would be detected early but alas that is not the scenario in most of the cases.
    1. Correct - something is terribly wrong and as of today's date Medical Science in the medium to long term have not demonstrated secure knowledge relating to Pain or Cancer.
    2. The medium to long term relief a Person receives from any form of Pain is short lived as new and more mysterious symptoms will present to the patient and the attending clinicians, yet the knowledge as to why is very scant indeed.
    3. This is the biggest myth of all as it reconciles Cancer and Pain in inter changing roles of importance - failing to recognise through scant knowledge as to why we get ill and why we do not get well - despite the very latest thus considered the best Scientific knowledge and treatments.
    Surely we all know if one plants a seed a plant will grow yet we will never know if or what the fruit borne is until it flowers. Thus Pain and Cancer come from the same seed - The Mind and just flower differently.
    With these comments in Mind may we consider. "With any illness - The Mind/Brain/Body is not in the slightest doing something wrong - it is desperately trying to right a serious and terrible wrong.
    Kindest regards and best wishes
    Peter Smith Talking Cures

  • admin Saturday, 02 April 2016

    Thanks Peter,
    i am not sure why Linkedin is not allowing you the post, But I totally agree with you views and we need to propogate the knowledge about the cancer and pain to not only doctors but also to general people.
    Thank you for adding these important comments to our blog. Keep in touch
    Dr. Kailash Kothari

  • Peter Smith Talking Cures Wednesday, 06 April 2016

    Dear Dr Kalash
    Phew - am I please about that.

    In the depths of my Mind I could not envisage any person writing information as you have within the post desiring to stifle another's comments as so many do.

    For even in 2016 in illness we all have a lot to teach and a lot to learn and learn we must. If the entire medical system is not to collapse under its own failures.

    I have reported to Steven Grinstead group manager and he is looking into the situation.

    Kindest regards and best wishes

    Peter Smith Talking Cures

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