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A 35 years female was referred to pain clinic for her persistent pain in the back following spine surgery for almost 6 years. She got implants of screw and plates to fix her spine. Her leg pain was relieved but back pain was still persisting. Over few months pain started to become very severe and started affecting her daily life. She was treated with physiotherapy, epidural injections, exercise program, Chiropractice, and was also suggested re-do spine surgery. But as MRI was fine with no evidence of nerve compression, and the implants were looking properly placed, surgery decision was not accepted by patients. after seeing multiple hospitals and consultants she visited our clinic.

Everyone suffers from back pain at some point of their life. Many suffer from chronic back pain. Dr Kailash Kothari and all pain specialist doctors at Pain clinic of India are forefront of creating awareness about prevention and non surgical treatment of back pain. We welcome Organisations, societies and various clubs to organise such awareness meets for their members. Our team will come and conduct awareness lecture, free screening/checkups and will provide help for needy patients.We believe in creating a healthy and fit society. 

Confusions: Most headaches are labelled and treated as either migraine, without realising that the neck problems can lead to headache commonly.

Posted by on in Failed Back Pain Syndrome (FBSS)

Failed back surgery syndrome can be managed. True or False? Take the quiz to learn more.

Confusions: Sciatica is often misunderstood as lower back pain due to the similarity in their symptoms.

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