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Dr Kailash Kothari, interventional spine and pain management specialist at Fortis Hospital, Mulund, says that there is not enough evidence to either prove or disprove that microdosing on cannabis can help with pain management, the way opioids, such as morphine, act on the nervous system. "Do cannabinoids work like tranquilisers or do they have long-term effect?

This procedure video is rare and not found very easily. This video is for #painphysicians who are interested in learning the steps. If you have any query do not hesitate to ping me..
thank you to our patient with #chronicheadache #atypicalfacialpain#Migraine like headache who shared his experience with us.

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Knee pain is very common and sometimes it makes patient bedridden or doesn't allow him to do his job. Most knee pains are preventable, most knee pains are treatable. in many patients with severe pain we can help them by pain management techniques. Very few patients need knee replacement.

Video shared by on in Back Pain

Click for video on back pain.

Back pain is very annoying and disturbing illness. It not only causes problem to patient but also affects family, friends, organization, society and in turn our country. Huge monetory burdon on the treatment of back pain is evidence that we can not take this disease lightly anymore. I take this opportunity to start a simple yet effective video series to create awareness about causes and treatment of back pain for lay people.Pls share and write you comments good or bad, for improving it further.

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