Do you know? - Headache can be due to problem in your neck! Its called cervicogenic headache!!! - Pain Treatment and Management Articles - Pain Clinic of India Blog


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Do you know? - Headache can be due to problem in your neck! Its called cervicogenic headache!!!

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Confusions: Most headaches are labelled and treated as either migraine, without realising that the neck problems can lead to headache commonly.

Familiarization: Head received its sensation from upper cervical nerves. They starts in upper neck and travels under the neck muscles to the entire head. The pain usually radiates between upper neck to the top of head and sometimes to the eyes. This pain is not only caused by the cervical nerve but also caused by the joints, muscles and the discs.


Migraine is usually a throbbing and aching pain on the one side of head and usually accompanied by aura (before migraine pain starts there may be symptoms like heaviness of head, double vision, vomiting, giddiness etc) whereas Cervicogenic headache is a typical pain starts at the back of the neck and referred to the head and eyes. Most of the times 


Cervicogenic headaches are due to abnormality in the upper cervical spine/Neck. The causes are many. Most common are cervical facet joint arthritis, disc degeneration, Muscles trigger points, Post accident whiplash injury etc. Sometimes this may start in IT professionals due to bad posture affecting neck muscles and joints. 


Any headache if unresolved and is agonizing till after 6 weeks, should be consulted to a physician. 


Cervicogenic headache pain can be efficiently managed if timely counsel is taken.



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