Fracture vertebra treated with percutaneos vertebroplasty
I saw 2 patients, similar complaints with severe agonizing pain in the back. They had history of cancer of prostate, operated, taken Chemotherapy few cycles and were doing well. One fine day suddenly pain in back started and it became unbearable. MRI showed pathological fracture with bone marrow edema. One patient had fracture at L2 and other one had this at L4 vertebra. We advised them VERTEBROPLASTY as immediate treatment to stabilise their spine, avoid further reduction in height of vertebra and instant pain relief.
They agreed for the procedure. This procedure involve an inserting a needle under local anesthesia through the vertebral bone under live C-arm (X-ray) guidance and then injecting medical cement in the front fractured portion of the vertebra.
This took approximately 30-40 mins and post poerative they were 90% pain free with free movement in the bed.
Their happiness after procedure was gratifying and gave me sense of satisfaction. The key was decision taken by them was quick and we didnt lost much time. It is possible that the fractured vertebra's height might reduce over days and this procedure is not possible after certain degree of height reduction.
In conclusion i must say good patient doctor coordination and early treatment helps in better outcome.

Needle in the vertebra and cement is injected under live X- ray guidance

AP view after cement injection