Treatment of Neck Pain due to slipped disc for more than 15 years - Pain Treatment and Management Articles - Pain Clinic of India Blog


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Treatment of Neck Pain due to slipped disc for more than 15 years

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Cervical slipped disc pain for more than 15 years treated with latest minimally invasive technique -

A male 55 years of age, having neck and left arm and chest pain for more than 15years. Feels tightness, and moderate to severe (VAS - 7-8) on lifting some weight, exertion, or working for some time (<10mins)

His multiple MRI were showing disc prolapse at C5-6 and C6-7 levels more on left other abnormality was found.

He was treated with medications, physiotherapy, various manipulation techniques, acupuncture, acupressure and so on. He tried many different methods of treatment but without any success.

He read about pain management on internet and searched for neck pain treatment. He contacted us and came to show Dr. Kailash Kothari, MD, Director PCI.

On examination and reviewing his MRI Dr. Kothari suggested him a novel and minimally invasive technique called PERCUTANEOUS NUCLEOPLASTY for his prolapsed discs. He explained him the nature of the surgery which is without cut and without and bleeding. Even the side effect because of the procedure are very few and very safe.

He took his own time in making the decision (almost 3 months) and he came back to Pain Clinic when there was exacerbation of the pain. He agreed to the treatment.

A minimally invasive surgery called PERCUTANEOUS NUCLEOPLASTY was performed for him at two levels.

The procedure involved an injection from the front of neck and insertion of nucleoplasty wand through it and applied coblation RF current intra discally at 3 points.

The procedure was done under Local anaesthesia and performed in 30 min.

The recovery of patient was fantastic with >80 % pain relief on table.

His first words in table were - Its so pain less, Can I do it again in future if required. He blessed the entire team for his treatment.

MRI showing Disc prolapse 

MRI showing Disc prolapse

Ready to give local anesthetic.JPG 


Ready to give local anesthetic


Under Local anesthesia Needle in the middle of the disc


Under Local anesthesia Needle in the middle of the disc




neck pain treatment procedure




  • vijayakumar Tuesday, 07 October 2014

    Nice to see and know that such treatments are available in chennai

  • admin Tuesday, 06 October 2015

    Thanks Vijay Kumar, Sorry for the late response but better late then never. We appreciate your comments, and of course I have friends in Chennai who are doing great work in pain management there also.
    Keep writing.

  • great Tuesday, 07 October 2014

    great job done. congratulations

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