Pain Clinic Of India
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    Your Treatment Plan at PCI

    Individualized Treatment Plan

    Your physician may refer you to the Pain Clinic Of India for evaluation, for one or more specific procedures, or for ongoing treatment. The treatment plan developed by the Pain Clinic Of India will be specially tailored to your condition and degree of pain, your needs and your personal objectives.

    You treatment plan may include:

    • a single approach or
    • a combination of different types of therapies:
      • Medical therapies
      • Special procedures
      • Psychological therapies
      • Rehabilitation therapies


    Your recommended medical therapy may include one or more medications (analgesics).Different medications are prescribed to treat different aspects of your pain. Your recommended treatment plan may also involve the use of investigational medications.

    Medications used to treat pain fall into several major categories:

    • Opiate "pain killers" are often used to treat acute pain or cancer-related pain, and sometimes prescribed for chronic pain.
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful in alleviating pain by reducing swelling and irritation.
    • Anti-depressants may be helpful in reducing certain types of pain. They may also be used to help patients sleep at night.
    • Membrane stabilizers and other adjuvant drugs are helpful for some patients in whom pain is caused by abnormal electrical discharges in damaged nerves.


    Treatments for acute and chronic pain are generally quite different.

    • In some cases, pain can be stopped or alleviated by a single procedure or series of procedures.
    • Sometimes, chronic pain is part of a widespread disease process, and the specific cause may be difficult to pinpoint.
    • Once we have identified the specific factor causing the pain, we may be able to treat it so that the condition no longer occurs.
    • In some patients, the specific factor causing the pain--such as cancer--cannot be changed, but we may be able to reduce the pain or help the patient to better copewith the pain through a combination of medical, psychological and rehabilitation techniques.

    Multidisciplinary Team of Specialists

    The Pain Management Center offers the benefit of a multidisciplinary team approach to the diagnosis and treatment of pain. The team includes

    • Well trained experienced pain physicians (anesthesiologists specializing in pain management)
    • Physiatrist & Ergonomist
    • Nurses
    • Clinical Psychologists
    • Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists
    • Rehabilitation specialists
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  • Pain Treatment procedures

    Your Treatment Plan at PCI

    Epidural glucocorticoid injections are commonly given to patients with leg and/or back pain to relieve such pain and improve mobility without surgery. These steroid injections buy time to allow healing to occur and/or as an attempt to avoid surgery after other conservative (non-surgical) treatment approaches have failed.

    During a transforaminal injection, a thin needle is inserted into the epidural space through the bony opening of the exiting nerve root (See Figure 1, Neuroforamen).

    Needle entering in the foramen ready to deliver cortisone

    The procedure is performed with the patient lying on their belly using fluoroscopic (real-time x-ray) guidance, which helps to prevent damage to the nerve root. A radio-opaque dye is injected to enhance the fluoroscopic images and to confirm that the needle is properly placed (See Figure 2). This technique allows the cortisone medicine to be placed closer to the irritated nerve root. The exposure to radiation is minimal.

    Indications include disc herniations, Lumbar canal stenosis, vertebral frctures, tumor compressing epidural space, Herpes zoster pain etc.

    Patients with disc herniations and leg pain in most of the studies attained maximal improvement in 6 weeks. Interestingly, long-term success rates for transforaminal epidural glucocorticoid injections ranged from 71% to 84%.

    Therapeutic Rationale – why steroids?

    • Structures (pain generators) like nerves/discs are accessible to neural blockade.
    • Surgery of these structure may fail to cure and may worsen painful spinal conditions.
    • Degenerative processes of the spine and the origin of spinal pain is complex.
    • The effectiveness of a large variety of therapeutic interventions used to manage chronic spinal pain has not been demonstrated conclusively.
    • There is increasing evidence supporting the use of interventional techniques in managing spinal pain

    The objective

    • To deliver corticosteroid close to the site of pathology
    • More effective than a steroid administered either orally or by IV/IM injection
    • Caudal and interlaminar – will it reach anteriorly??? Septa, ligaments
    • Numerous reports of the effectiveness of epidural corticosteroids have varied in their response rate from 18% to 90%
    • However, the cause of this wide disparity - suboptimal placement or non-placement of steroid close to the target site
    • TFESI – more specific & targeted
    • Decrease size of disc means Decrease symptoms? It is not always the case, as compression may continue in spite of resolution of the symptom
    • It is also well described in many studies that asymptomatic individuals present with disc herniations that are evident on CT / MRI scans

    A multiple mechanisms to explain radicular pain

    Partial axonal damage, Neuroma formation, Focal demyelination, Intraneural edema, Impaired microcirculation, Chemical irritation, Inflammation. The Steroid acts to reverse all these. 



     Cervical epidural injection,    DERMATOME of Lower Limbs

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